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Our Lush Petal bouquet is a large bouquet filled with seasonally inspired, florist's choice mix of deep purples, magenta, and pops of burgundy.

You will receive a florist's choice of just-plucked seasonal blooms inspired by the photo here and selected for their seasonal availability and freshness.

A glass vase is available for an additional fee. Vase may vary from that in photo.

Lush Petal Bouquet

PriceFrom C$160.00
Excluding GST/HST
  • Our priority at Petal & Bulb is to ensure your satisfaction with every purchase. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your floral order, please contact us for assistance. We are committed to addressing any concerns and making it right for you. Your happiness is our top priority, and we strive to provide a seamless and delightful floral experience for all our customers.
    Let us know how we can make your floral experience with Petal & Bulb a memorable one.

  • At Petal & Bulb, we offer flexible subscription services for fresh flowers, ensuring that you always have beautiful blooms to brighten up your space. Our delivery methods are carefully crafted to ensure the flowers reach you in perfect condition. We are dedicated to providing top-notch packaging and timely delivery to enhance your floral experience.