When kind words and a note just aren’t enough, consider our best-selling Sweet Petal Bouquet.
This medium-sized bouquet is filled with a seasonally inspired, florist's choice mix of deep pinks, lavender, and pops of blue.
You will receive a florist's choice of just-plucked seasonal blooms inspired by the photo here and selected for their seasonal availability and freshness.
A glass vase is available for an additional fee. Vase may vary from that in photo. Deluxe wrap includes extra-fancy water-proof wrap, matching silk ribbon and a vase.
Sweet Petal Bouquet
Steps to keeping your flowers fresh for longer:
- Use a clean vase to put your flowers in.
- Cut a half inch off the ends of your flowers on an angle so more water can be absored by your flowers.
- Remove leaves below the water line so the leaves will not rot and cause your flowers to rot.
- Use our flower food packet to keep your flowers healthy.
- Change water everyday and add your home made flower food. See receipe below.
- Keep your flowers away from direct light and heat.
- 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of sugar mixed into a large vase of water